Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What does the french last name Brisebois mean? ?

i've been having trouble finding for the meaning of my last name(Brisebois) it has french origins , help would be appreciated thanks!

What does the french last name Brisebois mean? ?
The French translation of "brise" is "broken", "bent" or "short".

Transalation for "bois" is "wood" or "antler".

So, your name could mean either Short or Broken Wood (Kindling wood?)

or Bent or Broken Antler.
Reply:"Briser" in French means to break to pieces, to smash, to shatter. "Bois" means wood. So Brisebois means "Smash wood". (It would only mean "Smashed wood" if it were spelt Bris茅bois and pronounced Bree-zay-bwah).

It was probably originally a nickname for somebody who was very strong and also either very clumsy or very violent, so he tended to smash up the joint wherever he went. A bull-in-a-china-shop type.
Reply:I didn't find your name exactly but I did find this:


Hope it helps!

1 comment:

  1. If you look in a french to English dictionary the first defination for brise is Breeze or soft wind, which is the pronounciation used by most of us with that surname. Bois is wood. so the most direct defination is a Breeze in the Wood. Quite beautiful isn't it.
    Bill Brisebois
