Thursday, April 15, 2010

How do I get a car title out of my name?

B/c of divorce I was to sign a car (both of our names on the title) over solely to my ex-husband. I did this, but he never put the car in only his name and then sold it to someone. Meaning, when he sold this car both of our names were on the title. I am certain the registration is expired or will be soon. I am assuming I am still liable for this car. The ex moved out of state and we have not had contact with each other. How do I get the title out of my name if I don't know who or where the person is that bought the car?

How do I get a car title out of my name?
Wow...that guy is a real mess....

You haven't mentioned where you live, or in what state your ex lives in now, so I can't answer effectively.

I CAN tell you that you need to know first if your ex registered the cars in the other state when he moved there.

Guessing that he hasn't, and that both your names are still on the title together:

1. What exactly did you do when you "signed over" the title?

Did you write his name alone and his address as the new owner on the back, then sign your name on the back as the seller? Did you notice the buyer's signature spot? Had he signed that with his name?

I ask this because if your signature was the only writing on the back of the title, he could easily (and illegally) just signed his name next to yours as the other seller, then sold the car to someone else. The new owner has to register it in their name within 30 days.

HOWEVER, the cars were given to your husband as a result of a legal divorce settlement, which means there are LEGAL COURT DOCUMENTS saying that the car will be in the possession of your exhusband. Those documents are evidence that the car was to be given to him, and that he needed to put those cars into his name within 30 days of judgement, before trying to sell them.

I would contact your state dept of revenue, and talk to them about what recent info they have about your car title. Ask if your ex put the cars into his names legally.

Also, contact the state where he lives now, and find out if any title work has been done.

Those court docs are legal proof that the vehicles were given to him, so you have some protection if something happens to the cars or the expired tags. You are lucky. Just try to do some research and find out what is going on.

As a last resort, you might need to go to court again to get the titlework changed if your husband isn't willing to do things by the book.
Reply:well u cant realy do that cause u dont know who has it but when u sold it did u get a bill of sale or stating who u sold it to and if u did if he gets pulled over and they put a bench wornt out for u take it up there and show them and or take it to the police department and show them that u sold it he realy coldnt have sold it with ure name on it its not legal
Reply:If he sold it, chances are it is out of your name now. In the event you are contacted about anything regarding the vehicle, just reply that you released your interest in the vehicle to your ex-husband, and have no interest in it whatsoever.
Reply:you signed the title already correct?

then your ex sold it to somebody else?

then it should be all taken care of, the person would be unable to register the car unless it was put into his name. but just to be sure go down to your dept. of motor vehicles and have them check to see what vehicles are registered under your name
Reply:First you need is the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)

You get that from :The insurance company, you can call and get that information. By law the insurance companies have to have records for over 3 years (any state), just don't tell them anything (if you must then tell them you lost the title and registration)

If the insurance company won't help then you need to find a copy of the registration or title.

With the VIN you call the DMV or you county clerk. Counties will help you more.

When you call.. what you want to say is that "the vehicle was sold and you want to make sure it's no in your name". They'll let you know the most recent information...

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