Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What does the last name "Von Ferdinand" sound like meaning: is it German,Latin,or french?

where does this last name come from.

What does the last name "Von Ferdinand" sound like meaning: is it German,Latin,or french?
Son of Ferdinand or from the region of Ferdinand, since Ferdinand is a proper name the first one.

Von Lichtenstein means that you come from the municipality of Lichtenstein. It is German. Of course adorning a name is pompous so nobility was the only one using it. Since monarchy was outlawed in 1919 Von became just a particle in the name.
Reply:Haha you heard it in Lola Erase Una Vez right? Report Abuse

Reply:Ferdinand doesn't sound German, but "von" is definitely German. Someone named Ferdinand could have went from Italy and migrated to Germany and became noble or something.
Reply:The word ' von ' means either ' of ' or ' from. ' Ferdinand ' is a proper name for a man. It is German. I don't think there are any towns etc. by that name.It comes from a German speaking country.
Reply:its german

von is a title ;


you can find out more about this on the link above
Reply:it is German. am sure at a 100%!
Reply:"von" is german for "of", and ferdinand is a spanish name..

von is used in germany in lots of surnames

its like of like the english "son" in johnson, jackson, robertson, etc.
Reply:its totally german
Reply:It's German. Von does mean "of" but it simply indicates that you're noble. If your name was Frank Coolness and they made you a noble you would have changed your name to Frank von Coolness.
Reply:Von is a German word which means 'of', is means that the owner of that name is from the German aristocracy. Came from the time when the noblemen took the name of their lands.

In French the nobility particle is : de , it means exactly the same thing

Von Ferdinand seems a bit strange but if you heard it in a soap opera it was probably meant to be funny.

african daisy

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