Sunday, November 15, 2009

Meaning of text, names, and children in dreams

1: what does it mean if you write something down or if you read something written by someone else in a dream? is it somehow more significant than the rest of the dream?

i dreamt i had a child about two years old and someone asked me her name. i said it was Maya and when i woke up i even knew how i spelled it in the dream from either writing or reading it.

question 2 is: what's the significance of babies or children in dreams? other than the dreamer wanting to have children IRL.

3 is: i googled the name Maya later and found out that in sanskrit the name means "dream" or "illusion", do you think this is coincidence or does it have meaning?

Meaning of text, names, and children in dreams
i have heard when there is children in your dreams it can represent yourself at the age of that child. if you are also in the dream it is not you. only one person in the dream can represent yourself. i cant help you with the text. there are some good websites out there about dream analysis... wish i had some links for you


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